If your order is over $50 (before taxes and shipping), enter my current host code in your "shopping bag" at check out. This will earn a free $8.50 item of your choice from me! If your order is over $150, don't use the host code, as you'll earn your own hostess rewards. After you've placed your order, e-mail me (stampinjaimie@gmail.com) what $8.50 item you'd like and I'll order it up and have it shipped to you!
Earn Star Rewards with each order! For every increment of $25 in your order, you'll earn one check on my Star Rewards Program. Once you've received 12 checks, you'll earn a free $30 order from me. To print my Star Rewards sheet, head over here.
Contact Me
To inquire about products, services, or to simply ask a question, please use the form below to contact me.